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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:25 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:51 pm
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"If you have GHOSTS you have Everything" - Papa Emeritus II GHOST B.C.

Last edited by Ghost on Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:33 pm 

Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:55 pm
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Ghost wrote:
L.A. Connection wrote:
Considering the...uh...results of the past election and the new regime, you could do a 'themed' quartet:

HANDMAID'S TALE (being remade now for TV)

We showed the latter two in Boston last year, and does that seem oh so prescient now......

At least Hilary didn't win and Obama if finally out of the white house.

But if you want to celebrate Obama's time in the White house we could show:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Steele Magnolias
heck any Barbra Streisand movie
Also we could show Forbidden Planet and pretend the invisible monster is Global Warming coming to get us (oooooo scary)

JUST STOP! I really like you despite political differences, but your statements are ridiculous. Hahahahaha, Obama's wimpy, hahahaha. He's so wimpy, he probably stays up at night tweeting about how unfair SNL is to him. Or how unfair it is that less people showed up for his a**hole prom than for the other guy's. So wimpy, he'd let Vladimir Putin push him around! He's so wimpy he treats his wife with dignity and doesn't grab women's p***ies! Every snarky little insult you've lobbed at Obama for 8 years, you're going to excuse for the next however long President Biff Tanner is around and no one wants to hear it.

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY: THIS IS A SCI-FI MESSAGE BOARD, NOT A POLITICAL ONE!!!! No one comes here for political debates!

And I know, LA started it blah, blah, blah... but he was just making a JOKE with some great actual sci-fi movies for his suggestions. If you want to turn this into a political (Russian prostitute?) p***ing contest at least find some clever sci-fi titles!

"I came here to chew bubble gum and kick a**. I'm all out of bubble gum."

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:31 am 
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Thank you, Meatfish. I didn't mean to start anything here. And, I at least stayed on topic with a legit quartet of films that would fit a Science Fiction Film marathon. I also did not infuse my post with any invective. Again, apologies if necessary.

But, I also stand by my suggestions. I mentioned HANDMAID'S TALE because it is currently being made into a TV series. Also, as I noted, we showed the latter two just this past Februrary, and we showed the same 1984 print that Ohio has ( :wink: ) not that many years back. And, with the sad devasting news about John Hurt's passing, it makes my 1984 suggestion all the more poignant. In that vein, there are also Hurt's performances in V FOR VENDETTA and SNOWPIERCER which also have the benefit of fitting the totalitarian sub-theme concept.

RIP, John Hurt. One of the greats.

Long Live the Orson Welles Cinemas

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 1:14 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:55 pm
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I don't mean to blow up, but I think the one thing most people agree on regardless of party affiliation is that this election was about the worst thing ever. Let's keep it off here as much as possible. Dystopian nightmare was basically the theme of the inauguration speech whether you loved it or.not.and there's a lot of great dystopian films out there. That's funny. Steel Magnolias is wildly off topic and not funny.

"I came here to chew bubble gum and kick a**. I'm all out of bubble gum."

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:28 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:51 pm
Posts: 482
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"If you have GHOSTS you have Everything" - Papa Emeritus II GHOST B.C.

Last edited by Ghost on Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 1:04 pm 

Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:55 pm
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Ghost wrote:
I don't mean to blow up, but I think the one thing most people agree on regardless of party affiliation is that this election was about the worst thing ever. Let's keep it off here as much as possible. Dystopian nightmare was basically the theme of the inauguration speech whether you loved it or.not.and there's a lot of great dystopian films out there. That's funny. Steel Magnolias is wildly off topic and not funny.

I thought it was funny, just as funny as all the Trump Nazi BS you keep talking about. Obama was the worse thing to ever happen to this country, I will not apologize for being White, Male, straight or American. For 8 years Americans have been told we are terrible people because of Slavery...Well guess what I WASN'T FUCKING BORN 150 YEARS AGO I HAD NO SAY IN THE MATTER AND I WILL NOT TAKE ON THE GUILT OF PEOPLE WHO MADE THESE DECISIONS WAY BACK THAN. Also America wasn't the only country that had slaves but you don't see all those other countries still whinging about it. The PC America shit needs to stop. We will never be a united people as long as the Obama's of the world fight so hard to divide us.

I get it many people hate Trump but at least he is doing 1 thing that the last 20 presidents have not done and that is keep his campaign promises, like them or hate them he is doing what he said he was gonna do. Does he say stupid stuff?? yes but did he rape a women in the white house like Clinton did?? NO. Did he let innocent Americans die needlessly in a foreign country? NO! but Hilary sure did. Did he use a personal server to commit treason NO! but Hilary sure did.

Any way rant over, America will be great again and that meant is will be Great for Everyone not just White people, not just rich people but everyone,,,,if only people will give it a chance.

Wow! This is the saddest, most pathetic rant I've ever read. Do yourself a favor and look in a mirror and read it out loud. Or better yet, read it out loud in front of people. You sound completely unhinged.

I don't know who you're hanging out with but no one I've ever known or read about is asking you or anyone to apologize for your race or gender or for historical sins of our ancestors. This is a delusion. I know 8 years of a black President made us all think and talk about race probably more than any time since the civil rights movement and that's uncomfortable. Talking about race makes you question if your own actions and words might hurt people, in our own minds we're always the good guy, so we can't possibly be wrong so those telling us we are wrong are the ENEMY for making you feel so uncomfortable! Americans love feeling comfortable. So along comes a billionaire conman telling you from his golden penthouse in Manhattan that you know longer have to think about those things or care about those people any more. Those people who have been making you feel uncomfortable. Those people[i] who never had a voice before Obama came along, [i]those people tell you that stuff like your rant above is racist and maybe you should think before ranting, [i]those people[i] will be taken care of. [i]Those people[i] will suffer for the discomfort you feel. He will make it all better, so you bought the con-hook line and sinker. There are a lot of Americans right now that are terrified like I've never seen before in this country. This is not the normal Republican/Democrat debate. You elected a mentally unstable man who's surrounded by white nationalists, endorsed by the KKK and neo-Nazis, who describes this country as a dystopian hellscape and who promises to hurt people, and ignore the Constitution at will.

Shouldn't you be as outraged now by all these executive actions and signing statements as you were when Obama did them? ... /21701658/

And since you mentioned personal email servers. what about Trump using his unsecured phone? ... urity.html

And Clinton rape? Since when is consensual sex between adults rape? Doesn't matter what you think of its appropriateness, it's not rape. But then there's Trump bragging about grabbing women, cheating on his 3 wives (one of whom accused him of rape). ... ed-2444712

I'd love to understand your loathing of Obama, despite every metric we've ever judged Presidents: unemployment, stock market, foreign relations, etc... not to mention the lowest uninsured rate in history. Compared to the Bush's failure to prevent 9/11 or to get Bin Laden, Hurricane Katrina, economic collapse, Iraq, etc... But you are operating in an alternative reality which is disappointing and sad.

I'm sorry you feel that life just isn't going your way. I'm sorry you can't accept personal responsibility. I'm sorry you look for others to blame-damn liberals! I'm sorry that you are so insecure in your views that you unfriended me on FB over my political beliefs, that despite this response, I've never once tried to impose on you or even engage with you about them. I liked talking horror and sci-fi movies with you. I'm sorry that you feel comfortable going on an unhinged racist rant on our marathon message board. Despite the disgust and revulsion I feel after reading your rant, as much as I believe Trump is the biggest danger this country has ever faced, I'm not going to be mad at you. In fact, I wish you nothing but the best of luck in life, Tim. I want you to have affordable healthcare and a good retirement account. I want you and your family to live in safety and enjoy the freedoms we take for granted. Best of luck Tim.

"I came here to chew bubble gum and kick a**. I'm all out of bubble gum."

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:46 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:51 pm
Posts: 482
Location: Ohio

"If you have GHOSTS you have Everything" - Papa Emeritus II GHOST B.C.

Last edited by Ghost on Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:57 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:51 pm
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Location: Ohio

"If you have GHOSTS you have Everything" - Papa Emeritus II GHOST B.C.

Last edited by Ghost on Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:02 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:51 pm
Posts: 482
Location: Ohio

"If you have GHOSTS you have Everything" - Papa Emeritus II GHOST B.C.

Last edited by Ghost on Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:11 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:55 pm
Posts: 467
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Ghost wrote:
I'm sorry that you are so insecure in your views that you unfriended me on FB over my political beliefs

I make it a point to unfriend anyone who uses a Nazi symbol to make a point regardless of which side they stand on it, it's a vile and ugly thing and I won't allow if into my news feeds.

Well genius, it was an Anti-Nazi symbol. But you're fine with voted for a guy endorsed by the American Nazi Party and the KKK. You are a really upstanding man Tim. Good to know you, like your President, have absolutely ZERO PRINCIPALS. ... -of-bannon

And I know this is an old article (February), and eventually they "condemned" the support (November), but as quick as he goes apeshit against SNL and movie stars, why'd it take so long to condemn actual Nazis? Could it be because he named a well known white nationalist, Steve Bannon, as his chief advisor? ... on-bannon/

You are actively supporting either the most incompetent man in history or a clever racist authoritarian (actually, he's both)! And then you came on here with your racist rant of victimization. You are fucking pathetic.

"I came here to chew bubble gum and kick a**. I'm all out of bubble gum."

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:30 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:55 pm
Posts: 467
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Ghost wrote:
I love that you think your right and that's the democratic view. I know (and am friends with) black people who hated Obama and vote republican because of the Hippocratic view point of democrats. Democrats love to say they are for humanity, we welcome anyone, we don't discriminate UNLESS you don't think like we do in that case your can't join the cult and we shun you....really can't we talk about this...NO your out go away. (wow)

Lets talk abortion...this is always a woman should "have the right to choose" well she had the right to choose to say "no", she had the right to choose to insist the man wear protection, she had the the right to choose to take birth control AND now you want to put a life and death decision into the hands of a person who has now been proven to make bad decisions??

NOW lets say this same woman is driving her car and a drunk driver runs a stop sign and hits her car, she is ok but she loses the baby, the man will go to jail for killing the baby even though according to democrats its not even a baby yet.

Now lets say the same woman was driving to get an abortion and the same accident happens, the man still goes to jail for killing the baby that doesn't exist and was going to be aborted in just a couple hours anyway.

And now lets talk about the father of the baby, if he wants the mother to get an abortion and she says no and has the baby he is financial responsible for the child for the next 18 years BUT if he wants her to keep the child she can KILL HIS baby and he has NO say in the matter.

It's ludicrous especially when you add to the fact most democrats will fight to keep a prisoner alive that's going to be executed for the murder and rape of 50 women, so its ok to kill innocent children but the scum of the earth deserves a second chance???

so you tell me how can any sane person not look at this and wonder how in the world people can feel this way, are they all on drugs?

And also a rabid, insane Anti-Choice rant. You just keep proving your awfulness with every post. Pro-life, pro-death penalty. Why do you a doughy, dumb man so obsessed with what hypothetical women do with their bodies? If men could get pregnant they'd offer abortions at every Walgreens and insurance would pay for it. No point in arguing nuance with someone so entrenched.

But if you care so much, then you should be voting Democratic EVERY TIME. Abortion rates drop under Democratic Presidents, because they teach things like sex ed, and contraceptives. There are a lot of Republicans who would love to end sex ed and outlaw birth control-THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY TO PREVENT UNWANTED PREGNANCIES. ... obama.html ... 19b10bb63a

You are welcome to your views. Couldn't care less. But you might want to do like 10 seconds of googling to find out what the facts are before you go on another frothing at the mouth rant and make yourself look like a fucking fool. The facts are against you, Tim.

"I came here to chew bubble gum and kick a**. I'm all out of bubble gum."

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:13 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:51 pm
Posts: 482
Location: Ohio
Ghost wrote:
I love that you think your right and that's the democratic view. I know (and am friends with) black people who hated Obama and vote republican because of the Hippocratic view point of democrats. Democrats love to say they are for humanity, we welcome anyone, we don't discriminate UNLESS you don't think like we do in that case your can't join the cult and we shun you....really can't we talk about this...NO your out go away. (wow)

Lets talk abortion...this is always a woman should "have the right to choose" well she had the right to choose to say "no", she had the right to choose to insist the man wear protection, she had the the right to choose to take birth control AND now you want to put a life and death decision into the hands of a person who has now been proven to make bad decisions??

NOW lets say this same woman is driving her car and a drunk driver runs a stop sign and hits her car, she is ok but she loses the baby, the man will go to jail for killing the baby even though according to democrats its not even a baby yet.

Now lets say the same woman was driving to get an abortion and the same accident happens, the man still goes to jail for killing the baby that doesn't exist and was going to be aborted in just a couple hours anyway.

And now lets talk about the father of the baby, if he wants the mother to get an abortion and she says no and has the baby he is financial responsible for the child for the next 18 years BUT if he wants her to keep the child she can KILL HIS baby and he has NO say in the matter.

It's ludicrous especially when you add to the fact most democrats will fight to keep a prisoner alive that's going to be executed for the murder and rape of 50 women, so its ok to kill innocent children but the scum of the earth deserves a second chance???

so you tell me how can any sane person not look at this and wonder how in the world people can feel this way, are they all on drugs?

And also a rabid, insane Anti-Choice rant. You just keep proving your awfulness with every post. Pro-life, pro-death penalty. Why do you a doughy, dumb man so obsessed with what hypothetical women do with their bodies? If men could get pregnant they'd offer abortions at every Walgreens and insurance would pay for it. No point in arguing nuance with someone so entrenched.

But if you care so much, then you should be voting Democratic EVERY TIME. Abortion rates drop under Democratic Presidents, because they teach things like sex ed, and contraceptives. There are a lot of Republicans who would love to end sex ed and outlaw birth control-THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY TO PREVENT UNWANTED PREGNANCIES. ... obama.html ... 19b10bb63a

You are welcome to your views. Couldn't care less. But you might want to do like 10 seconds of googling to find out what the facts are before you go on another frothing at the mouth rant and make yourself look like a fucking fool. The facts are against you, Tim.

Honestly your right. I am a horrible person. Not being sarcastic or condescending, life has fucked me up beyond repair. I really have spent my whole life trying to make everyone happy and in return I have been shit on over and over again. I have become a bitter old man who's life view doesn't extend past my own little space. I don't care what happens to the world because I don't care what happens to me. I have been lied to and mislead by those I loved and trusted the most to the point where I don't know what to think or believe, no matter which side I take it's the wrong side. I have thought about killing myself so many times but I haven't because I am always wrong so that means killing myself would bethe wrong choice, or maybe staying alive is the wrong choice, either way I am stuck here barely surviving. So I can't trust anyone not even myself.

I truly and honestly concede to you. Your young with a new family and I prey she never cheats on you and tries to take your children away from you and forces you to spend all of your money in court.

I think part of me wants trump to be the anti-christ because I am sick of this planet and everyone on it. I am weak and pathetic, I should have killed my self in grade school, the world certainly would be a better place without me in it. Lets face it the only thing I am good for is giving Bruce and Joe money so I can watch a bunch of movies I have already seen a thousand time.

I listen to Satanic Metal Music and call myself rebel HA WHAT A LAUGH I am no rebel I am a 47 year old failure with nothing to add to society. Do me a favor when the glorious day comes and I die (and hopefully burn in hell for all eternity) throw a party in my name and remember me the way I was 20 years ago before my best friend died, before both of my wives cheated on me, before I lost all of my money, before I become the very person I used to hate.

"If you have GHOSTS you have Everything" - Papa Emeritus II GHOST B.C.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:44 pm 
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Alright, even for the unmoderated Internet this is too much. I'm locking this thread for the good of all the board.

If you guys really want to continue the discussion, take it to PMs ... or better yet, your own Facebook page or somewhere that specializes in this sort of vitriol.

David A. Zecchini; Creature of the Wheel, Lord of the Infernal Engines
"Damnati Im Ludum" (

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