The Time Before Time, when sacrifices and unholy rituals were held at the blood shrine known as the Drexel North. This ghostly apparition, now but a mere ruinous husk of a memory. The birthplace of the terror we now crave.
The tale of the triumphant return to that gateway of the Abyss, the Drexel Grandview. Led by a two-headed horror from beyond the void, ravenous for the flesh of its victims.
The inglorious resurrection of the lair of ultimate evil, the Grandview Theatre (complete with a fiendishly undead new overlord.) Shocking Around the Clock and feasting on the souls of the damned.
A random series of events, all culminating in a chillingly insidious orchestration of terror. Not all of these events are part of the Marathon Canon ... some may never have even happened at all.
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Paste-up for 1999 Marathon t-shirt348 views*This was the first Marathon t-shirt I ever designed. Even though I considered it about half-successful in artistic terms, it sold out in the first half of the event. Subsequent t-shirts (which I considered to be much more artistically successful) often struggled to sell out. So goes the fickle finger of fate.
*The back of the shirt featured the slimy skull artwork from SQUIRM, and the tag line "When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the Studio." This was, of course, a nod to the iconic line from DAWN OF THE DEAD. However, it was also a tip o' the skull cap to Bruce's past work, as he had included the same line (with "Drexel" in place of "Studio") on the flier for the 1st NIGHT OF THE LIVING DREXEL 24-Hour Horror Marathon.(Neff)